Bande transporteuse ESD | Bande transporteuse plate Pièce détachée pour convoyeur

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ESD transporteur Belt/Flat Belt for Convoyeur de palettes:

Flat Belt

The surface of flat belt is made of nylon material, which can improve wear resistance and meet ESD standards. Vitrans flat belt capacity is 1kg/cm. Compared to Convoyeur à bande temporisé, flat belt transmit power is generated by the frictional force between Rouleau and belt. Therefore, flat belts need to have high tensile strength to bear the high preloading pressure.

Flat Belt Conveyor For Pallet Handling

Flat belt is the main transmission component of convoyeur de palettes. Flat belt upper surface needs to carry pallet and product, and the bottom is in contact with the belt guide profile. As a accumulated Convoyeur, flat belt will continue to friction with pallet and guide profile during operation. Therefore, after long-term working, flat belt may wear or break.

Belt Conveyor For Pallet Conveyor System

When replacing the flat belt of a pallet conveyor, special tools need to be used to stretch the flat belt before it can be installed between the pulleys. After installation, flat belt and belt roller will directly have a pre-tension force.

Flat Belt Conveyor For Pallet Handling

Formula for calculating belt length

For conveyor length not bigger than 4000mm:

Required flat belt length(mm)=(2Xsection profile length+560)X0.98+60

For conveyor length bigger than 4000mm:

Required flat belt length(mm)=(2Xsection profile length+560)X0.975+60

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