It’s What’s Behind Our Products

Serving the world with our versatile range of steel products

Our steel operations revolve around our six electric arc furnace (EAF) steel mills and numerous value-added coating operations, enabling us to handle roughly 13 million tons of steel shipping. We take pride in offering one of the most diversified portfolios of value-added products within the domestic steel industry. Moreover, we’re dedicated to providing innovative supply-chain solutions that exceed customer expectations, delivering enhanced value.

Inoltre, operiamo secondo un modello di produzione circolare, che dà priorità alla produzione di acciaio di alta qualità e a basse emissioni di carbonio utilizzando la tecnologia EAF, dove i rottami ferrosi riciclati fungono da input primario. Questo approccio fa di Fabrik un leader nel settore della produzione di acciaio EAF e della produzione circolare. L'instancabile impegno dei nostri team innovativi nell'implementazione delle iniziative sul cambiamento climatico eleverà ulteriormente i nostri standard di produzione sostenibile dell'acciaio in futuro.

Fabrik not only excels in steel production through the Electric Arc Furnace method, but we also proudly operate the largest and most advanced Consteel™ EAF technology in USA.
At Fabrik, we stand out as the sole American mill that provides small lot deliveries while utilizing the proven U-O-E production technology, ensuring superior field performance
We take pride in ensuring reliable and efficient supply chains to meet the specific needs of our valued customers across various sectors.
Structural steel is a cost-effective construction material prized for its high strength-to-weight ratio, making it a vital component in buildings, roads, bridges, and various other structures.
Steel and titanium are prized in multiple industries for their durability and strength in harsh conditions. However, each material has unique properties suited to specific applications.